20/20’s Tenant Member Handbook

This is 20/20’s tenant member handbook.  In it you will find various information about the services that 20/20 provides and how you can get things done.

It particularly sets out how arrangements work with 20/20’s new service provider Bournville Village Trust (BVT).  We may update the handbook as we work out what is working well with BVT and what is not!  You will find the following in the handbook:

  • how to contact 20/20 and BVT
  • something about what 20/20 is
  • how you can report a repair
  • what you should expect when you report a repair
  • how you can pay your rent
  • what happens if you are having difficulties paying your rent
  • summary information about other tenancy matters

We have sent copies of the member handbook to all tenant members but if you would like another copy, please get in touch with us on info@2020.coop.