Allocating our homes & transfer/mutual exchanges

20/20 rarely has empty homes, but when we do, we allocate them to people in housing need who wish to live in co-operative housing.  Where applicants have similar needs for housing, we will give preference to those who actively wish to participate in the running of the co-op.

We use a waiting list administered for us by BVT.  We are currently considering with BVT how best to manage this waiting list and it may only be open at particular times of the year.  20/20 Housing Co-operative members are not in a position to discuss allocations directly with potential applicants, so if you want more information, please contact BVT (on 0121 667 1123 or for further information.

Our members may request a transfer to a different property in the co-op or in other co-ops, but to be included on the transfer list, members must be eligible and meet the criteria for a transfer which includes having a clear rent account and not being in rent arrears at the point of application for transfer and from then until the transfer.

Our members may also request a mutual exchange with another person living in social housing anywhere in the country via Homeswapper, but the incoming person with whom they are exchanging must be eligible for the home and they must be prepared to become a member of the co-op and comply with our policies.

It should be noted that because of the distinctive nature of the co-op, 20/20 cannot offer its members a Right to Buy their homes and will never be able to do so.